Happy Valentines Day Daddy !!!
Kyla bakes a cake for every occasion in our family.
For Valentines Day this year she made her Daddy
a two layer heart shaped Chocolate cake with Great
Grandma Drapers Fluffy frosting.
I have to tell you a story about Kyla and her cake baking.
she keeps track of when every ones birthday is in the family.
well time came for Grandpa Normans birthday, as she does on
a regular basis she happened to go down stairs to visit her
Grandparents who live with us.
She came upstairs in a huff, come to find out Grandma Carol
not thinking had bought a cake at the store........Kyla would not
speak or look at Grandma Carol for over 2 weeks......until
Grandma carol asked her to make another cake for Grandpa Norman.
Then she was fine....All forgiven!!!!!!