Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Square Dancing and Lake Michigan...

The go getter's had a summer picnic at the Christian Reform Conference grounds south of Grand Haven.....It was a very nice facility...they had a camp ground, hotel rooms, private lake Michigan beach , and a lot for the kids to do.

Square Dancing with one of the go getter's volunteers. What a hoot !!!! She wouldn't dance with daddy, but when one of the volunteers asked she was right there....Go figure..

A cold start to the fourth of July weekend.....We walked the lake shore near Pier Marquette Park.

This is so Kyla...She wanted me to take her picture with the big glasses....she has a real sense of humor !!!
Our Personal GPS system.....When we first leave the docks she goes below ( her freak out time)
Then she points the way back to the Yacht Club.....Then we have to talk her into coming top side when we hoist the sails....we raise one sail and she's fine and gradually we let out the roller thing you know we are heeling at 15 to 20 degrees and just flying.....Kyla then loves every moment !!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well It is about time I got caught up with Kyla's Blog.

Kyla went to the Fredrick Meijer's Garden with the Go Getters from Calvary Church.


Hey DAD....... :P LOL

This is one of Kyla's new friends...We met Bruce and his wife Mary at the Muskegon Yacht Club...quite by accident....we were having trouble with our out board engine....he offered to help us with it ....he was the person who really encouraged us to get Kyla involved with the Go Getters For Jesus at Calvary Church.....HIm & Mary payed for the whole group to go on this field trip...THANKS !!!!