Monday, October 13, 2008

All good things must come to an end

well our little sail boat is in the process of being put away for the season.

We spent most of last winter trying to come up with a name for our little lady, nothing seemed to fit, what I liked Jack didn't and what Jack liked I didn't. That is until one day when I was in a scrap booking store and I pulled out a page that said "Just add water", so I bought the page and showed it to Jack and he liked it too.... So our little lady's name is "Just Add Water"

Kyla had a hard time when we had gusty wind and the boat would heel quickly, but is getting better. We realized toward the end of the season that kyla didn't like it when ever I went up on the bow to hoist the sail. we won't have that problem next year... we are getting a roller furling system & a main sail hoisting system where I will be able to hoist all the sails from the cock pit. I think that will make Kyla feel a lot more at ease.

Next year for our vacation we are planning on trailering our boat up to the north channel and sail for a week with the trailer association.

we would travel north to saute saint Marie Ontario Then east to a little town called Spanish where we will meet up with the group of fellow sailors that we will be cruising with for the next week or so. we will put up our mast, boom and rigging in order to be ready to launch our boat.

Here are just a few pic's of the beauty we will be seeing while we are there.

Looking forward to a new adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

~joanne said...

This is all so foreign to me. I think I might me like Kyla...a little uneasy!!

I've had some bad water related experiences!